Sonys AIBO

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Does anyone have one? Or has played with one? I just went on the site (to look for HD projectors) and i got sidetracked by the aibo and now i want one again. Does anyone know if they can climb stairs? I know theyre a stupid gimmick but they are really tempting. *Adds it to the list of expensive geeky stuff to buy and goes back to work.


  • I don't think they can climb stairs, at least not big ones.
  • hmm. that sucks. It'd still be cool though. I could make it a ramp.
  • Be a real geek: build your own.
  • Build your own.... with a automatic sentry turret mounted on the top!!
  • haha krak, you have no idea how tempted i was to try and build one of them. Too bad we cant get access to guns like that round here.
  • Have access to PVC and some potatos? :D
  • lol... That is a P90, but its the AirSoft version. Plastic BBs. You guys cant get those either?
  • I'm not entirely sure about the firearms licencing act. I'm pretty sure that to get any sort of air rifle now you need a cause (fishing etc) and i cant see them handing out p90's to any kid. Might be able to get a manual reload handgun but thats probably about it.
  • That sucks. Good thing guns are abound over here. We Americans love weapons. >:)
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