Color Categories & Color Discussions

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I don't know if this is possible with the curent build of Vanilla but this might make this forum the best in the world :P at least for me :P. Is there a possibility to asign a color to a category and the post that are relateted to that category to have the same color so when i'm browsing the discussion page to know instantly that a post belong to a category and other post to other category or the same as the previous one. And would be great to have a color for the stiky post , closed post and etc.. Maybe an extension to add this posibility when i'm making a new categories or edit one that already exist.


  • Yes I believe that is possible. If you take a look at the page source each category has a different label. Category_7, Catgeory_12, etc... and the discussions have it too. You should be able to just drop in some CSS at the end for those that you want changed. I think it would work, I'd test it out but Im walking out the door.
  • Can you be more specific at least how to do that on a caterory so i have an example :P because at this moment i don't know CSS but i intend to change this :P
  • Im no CSS expert either, but this is what I would do.

    /* Category CSS */ /* a category */ .Category_1 { background-color: #00FF00; } /* another category */ .Category_2 { background-color: #FF0000; } /* another category */ .Category_3 { background-color: #0000FF; } /* this is the color for all new comments */ .NewComments { background-color: #000; }

    Add that to the bottom of your CSS style , and change the Category_# with the number of your categories, and the colors.
  • Thanks :P , now i'm looking for a way of making the comments that belong to a category to have the category color if that is possible :P
  • Hmm, not sure about making the comments a certain color, I dont see category specific tags on a comment page. You can make the first post a seperate color, but nothing to do with categories. Maybe with the next Vanilla rev and its new theme system?
  • Um, all the comments you'd be able to see at a time would be in the same category as theyre part of a discussion which is assigned to a category. To change the colour of something per category you'd need to be mucking around with the discussion titles on the discussions listing page. Though i'm still not sure if there's any category based CSS there as i cant check it out.
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