
edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Not sure if anyone's mentioned it before (haven't checked), but I'd love an extention where it's possible a user can send an invite (via email) to a friend of there's inviting them to the forum.

Hopefully included in this invite will be a invite key to verify its a genuine invite. Like GMail did....


  • You need explain no further, I'm sure Mark is right on the button. An extension shouldnt be that hard i dont think?
  • It has been dicussed (I think). See the linky above!
  • anything become of this?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    This will be do-able with 093. Will require a new table, though.
  • Will it be a standard feature then, or extension with a table?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Extension with a table. The whole point of the next rev is to remove functionality that isn't required in every installation. Then everything else is an extension.
This discussion has been closed.