Using the latest version of Vanilla cant call account.php?u=(almost anything)

edited December 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
For some reason when i try and access my account or many other users on the board simply a blank screen, no form appears. Any thoughts?
Changing the u=number to a different user will call some accounts but not all, and regrettably not mine.


  • I dont believe it is associated with the install, if i delete cookies including PHPSESID i can access the page, but am no longer signed in. I am using Firefox.
  • a) try other browsers
    b) try reinstalling
  • I have reinstalled twice, the accounts can be accessed for some times (a few weeks) then suddenly stops.
  • edited April 2010
    This issue appears to me to be somehow permission based. Once signed in as admin, clicking on most users name only brings up this blank page including my own profile. signed out, no problem. Any ideas?
    Using Vanilla 1.10

    Angry face
  • @suicideking have you tried taking a look at what is happening when you try loading a page with Firebug?

    Also, does it happen with Internet Explorer? Opera? Safari? Chrome?

    OT: Nice big forum btw. Some large numbers of comments in there! What kind of server are you running that on?
  • edited April 2010
    I run it off a virtual site not my machines, the back end is standard linux i have had to move up my server size more than once and my data base got hacked twice causing months of lost posts (now i have a back up process in place). Do you think the request might just be timing out due to the DB size? i will try firebug, see if i can identify the break
  • same results in explorer and Safari.
  • edited April 2010
    what tab would make the most sense to watch in firebug?
  • edited April 2010
    so here is two examples in firebug, calling a profile successfully:

    and unsuccessfully

    Angry face
    you can see the request times out
  • edited April 2010
    Firebug anyalysis led me to believe the request is being timed out. The fact that its is only on admins led me to look at permissions. one setting for admin but not moderators and members was "IP address visible) creating the LUM_iphistory table.

    I beleive the sheer size of the table is timing out the server request, thats why there are no faults in firebug. i turned off IP address visible and the fault has been healed. Now i have to consider if i can run the forum without knowing people are who they say they are. or find a script that can search that database more effectively.

  • or, could i empty out the table and start over? essentially keeping currrent IP addresses but losing the two years of data?
  • Hmm... so you reckon it's down to the IP History feature? IIRC that's a built in function of Vanilla 1. If you want to improve how this queries the data base that would certainly benefit the community as a whole as well as yourself.

    I would imagine that @Dinoboff and @SubJunk would be interested in any improvements you come up with - they may also be able to point you in the right direction.

    Just remember to backup *everything* regularly as you try new stuff ;)
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