2 questions

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
First of all I loved vanilla. I started a vanilla board an (off-topic forum). So I want to remove "terms of service" acceptation. And when a guest applyes automaticaly to become a member, no need for confirmation. :) Thanks.


  • Well, to make them automatically become a member, there is an option inside your settings to change the default role when someone registers. Just set it to Member or whatever you want and you won't have to approve them any longer.
  • Correct, and as for your other request, that will be an option in the next revision, hold tight :)
  • I figured out. nano +487 library/Vanilla.User.class.php (and comment that line) . Now users dont have to read terms of service. Just to check the box thats it :) Me t'mira ( Be cool ) :)
  • It does sort of defeat the purpose though. I know almost EVERY user wants will just skip it if they can, but they can be important sometimes, and as such, should be read. IMO, in your case, what is the point of having them there if most people aren't going to read it? (real question. I am not trying to be mean/angry/short/all of above.)
  • i dont think he really wants them there nathan, although technically by leaving the tickbox he covers himself legally because people are saying theyve done it regardless whether they have. WIthout it there technically he would have left himself open.
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