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conversation autocomplete bug?

edited December 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
i've downloaded the latest vanilla 2 code from github and so far it rocks!

however i have noticed on the conversations section when trying to autocomplete a recipient it doesn't work without .htaccess rewrites - it seems to be missing the 'index.php/' prefix from the XHR url.

could somebody point me in the right direction as to where i can change fix this?



i forgot to mention theres also a width issue in the 'new conversation' popup dialog with the recipient text input as well, it seems to be getting the width for the non-ajax form, making it too wide for the dialog.


  • The file you are looking for is /applications/conversations/js/conversations.js - Line 99.

    I've logged the bug on github, so hopefully it will get fixed sometime in the near future.

    Re: Width of new conversation popup dialog, seems to work ok in Firefox. Are you in IE?
  • Excellent - thanks for the pointer there benno.

    Please ignore the comment about the width issue - even though i'm a complete newbie to vanilla/garden i decided to create my own theme - so i think its an issue i have caused myself.
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