Removing required fields in Application/Registration form

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have a new install and was wondering if there is an easy way to remove the validation on two parts of the application/sign-up form. The two I'd like to ignore validation on are: Terms of Service popup link and Reason Why Joining text area. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks


  • To remove the reason why text area i'm pretty sure you can just cut that out with css (though dont ask me for the specifics) Terms of service link has been discussed in the last couple of days... lemme have a look..
  • edited October 2005
    Yeah, according to Betim in this thread, just comment out line 487 of Vanilla.User.Class.php
  • Thanks for the quick help... i'll look into the CSS for the text area bypass, and comment out the line for the ToS.
  • It looks like the same (commenting out the line) can be done for the "Discovery" textarea of the application form. That line is 484 in the Vanilla.User.Class.php. Everything's working like I wanted it to. Thanks again minisweeper.
  • Yeah, i thought it probably should be able to but i dont have the code to hand so i couldnt guide you with any line numbers etc. No problem atall, i'm running out of ways to pass my time at work... 8 hours down, 2 to go!
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