Extra searches

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How about adding more advanced searches to Vanilla?

Searching all of a user's profile for instance, finding all the people who use a certain style, or all the people that have "pizza" in one of their custom fields.


  • yeah, some extra searching would be good. It's a little thin on the ground at the moment (for performance reasons, presumably?) Perhaps a supersearch(tm) extension.
  • Maybe even something like blogger has on its profiles.
    All the info in the fields is a link, clicking it produces a list of other users who have the same on their profile.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That's clever. User accounts will be extensionized in the next rev (allowing you to custom write your account management if you want), so adding that kind of a search should be do-able.
  • /me looks confusedly at the idea of extension based user accounts and grins maybe we should make discussions and categories extension based!!
  • You should be able to do that now, shouldn't you? Just replace a few functions in the search-related classes and delve through the user table to find the query. Too lazy to try it now, though...
  • I'm not sure if I should start a new thread with this question, but I'm wondering how I might be able to implement searching users' custom fields at this point. I'll be having members of my forum all use the same custom field for year of graduation, and it would be great to be able to search for every person whose "graduation year" field equalled "1997," for example. Any ideas on how I might do such a thing? I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.
  • ^ could be useful for massive sites with hundreds of users like vanilla. However it should be limited to registered members or something.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That's a tough one. The custom fields are stored in the database as a serialized array. So, it's not like you just need to add a field to the select list. I think what you *Really* want for something like this is an extension that adds a new field to your user table for GraduationYear and then add that field to the search query.
  • Mark, that sounds exactly like what I'm looking for... Thanks for articulating it. I wonder how difficult that might be to do.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    With 0.9.2 it is pert near impossible to do it without altering the core code. With 0.9.3 it shouldn't be that hard, but you'll need to either know how to program, or convince someone on here to do it for you (which might be difficult since this is an uncommon request), or pay someone to do it for you.
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