Theming will be a part of the core.
Granted, you can just stick with the default theme if you want.
There was no way to make theming (or templating or whatever you want to call it) an extension because it required restructuring the vanilla folders and ripping code out of core controls.
i am very very excited for this. the only thing i didnt like about vanilla was the lacking of ability to switch around some html elements, but now thats solved. bravo mark!
ofcourse, there may be some more recent discussion where marc states he won't go for it, but in here it seems like it will be incorporated
Mark: wow. smarty is cool - and it's exactly what I was planning for templates in the next rev of vanilla
Seems like Mark was interested. Personally I think Smarty will be too big. It's a complete other system. I checked out Savant which is cleaner and very good commented. It's just a class with plugins and it doesn't have a new template coding markup language, it just uses php. The main function of Savant is to seperate layout from content.
Personally I don't think any of all these is necessary. WP has some great themes though it uses plain php in it. Maybe it is easier for most people. But is there so much difference between {post_date} and <?php post_date(); ?> ?
Is there actually much performance lost when using smarty? Since it seems quite common probably not, but maybe someone has some experience with this.
Well.. most templating systems attempt to seperate code from layout... But I don't think you should go for that. I agree with jos that {post_date} is not much different from <?php post_date(); ?>.... Template system shoulds seperate content from layout. Content is variable, layout isn't. Therefor I like WP's theming system. Just some core php functions that do the trick.
Personally, I preffer something that uses a super simple render call, as opposed to having to stick opening and closing php tags all over the damn place. In the long run you're not left looking for that one unclosed tag and scratching your head at why half the page renders and half dumps your code onto the screen.
that comment of mine was way back in August. Feels like a lifetime ago. There's no smarty in the next rev of Vanilla. I decided to keep it simple. You'll see soon.
Hi, I'm new to Vanilla and love the way it works, congratulations Mark.
I am currently using 0.92 and wanted to know how easy will the upgrade be for the next version, I'm really interested in the new templating features but I would like to start inviting people to my new forum and be able to jump to the next version without much downtime.
Best regards!
Eventually when everyone agrees that 0.9.3 is ready for public release, I will sit down and write an upgrade script. So the transfer won't take more than a few minutes (unless you encounter some kind of unforseen problem, of course).
Put it this way, i grabbed the latest copy of 0.9.3 and switched my forum over in (not that i was counting) probably under 5 minutes. Couple of issues here and there but thats because it really is a beta. If you waited for the real release with the install (and presumably upgrade, mark?) scripts, I'd like to lay myself on the line and guess you could upgrade in a minute. If you did it now, then yeah, i'd say you were looking at a maximum 10 minute downtime unless something went /really/ wrong.
That's great news!, thanks guys, I will keep this new forum using 0.9.2 for now and learn more about extensions, customizing and getting familiar with the code and when the time comes I will upgrade to 0.9.3
If you're gonna familiarise yourself with the code i'd suggest you grab the latest version from the svn and familiarise yourself with that to save having to relearn stuff. Definately a good idea to keep the live forum on 9.2 for now though :)