* Cries *

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I wish the users of my site could see the glory of Vanilla.

I'm busy trying to skin this vBulletin look-alike, and its a pain in the ass. I love the simplicty of Vanilla!

* cries *


  • just tell them to get stuffed. My community is LOVING vanilla. I gave them no choice, and after a few days of solid use, they think it is great.
  • When I originally tried Vanilla, the users who actually stuck around and tried it for a short time loved it, but most people made one post, with excuses like, "It looks like a blog" and then they were gone.
  • Oh fucking babies, "uuh using this hurts my soul" "this looks like a blog I'm a whiner" "this is hard to use boo hoo" "I walk in a gay parade and can't use Vanilla because I'm so much better than you." You should decapitate your users and put strings to their arms and legs and use them as mindless puppets they are.
  • It's your site so they should deal with it :)
  • Bah, I hate vBulletin and Invision power board !. Vanilla rocks at all :D
  • Death to other BBS software and their crappy nested table designs!

    And yes use what you want to use, the people who stay are the ones worth keeping and people will adapt. As soon as Vanilla goes 1.0 and a few extensions are ready then my users will have have to adapt or die :D
  • I vote for die.
  • NickENickE New
    edited October 2005
    >Death to other BBS software and their crappy nested table designs! /me looks at his own message board system. Ho hum...
  • I've switched a couple of my sites over to Vanilla from their previous board scripts (one was vB and the other IPB). Though Alanwake.net is going to be vB only as I need all those features it offers for what I want it to do. I love the simplicity of Vanilla but there are certain sites it doesn't fit.
  • i think people will adapt soon enough. So much is changing on the web so quickly, that they are going to have to if they want to keep up. If people don't change, we may see little BB sites as portals to the past. I don't see what is so different. MOST things are available for Vanilla that are present in current systems. why someone would need all of it installed on one system is beyond me though.
  • The funniest thing is that it is actually people who are changing the web, people like the new feel of everything and are happy with the modern way of accessing things and how everything is more unified and clearly presented as in opposite of old way of doing things half assed. This kind of technology wouldn't be in such fast grow if people didn't like it or if it didn't have any advances over the old tech.
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