category reordering

edited January 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
From the admin dashboard in Vanilla 2, I was delighted to see that I could drag-reorder the categories (on the Forums/Categories screen).

Then I was very sad to see that reordering had no effect on the front end display, and in fact reverted to the original order once you left the category admin page. There's no way to save the new order.

Is this just a not-yet-implemented feature? Can I request it, if it's not planned?


  • It does make a difference on my vanilla 2 install. You see a yellow flash after moving one?
  • I don't see a yellow flash, no. My build is a few weeks old, so perhaps this is something that was recently fixed/added?

    My dev partner made some custom adaptations to the code in order to integrate it with our alpha product, and those have to be documented and/or abstracted before we can upgrade to the most recent V2 build. Hopefully in the next couple of days ...
  • just installed the latest from github, lussumo-Garden-332223b, and I'm having the same issue. No yellow flash after reordering in the latest versions of Safari and FF on Max OS X
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It works in my dev branch. If you have firebug enabled, open the console to see if any errors show up when the ajax call fires.
  • Just downloaded today. I think it's because the AJAX request goes to /vanilla/settings/sortcategories/ instead of /index.php/vanilla/settings/sortcategories/ - since the former is a 404. I'll just quickly set up .htaccess rewrites as a temp-solution, but this needs fixing at a more basic level. Thanks! :)
  • i too am experiencing this issue
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