User defined database table name prefix

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi ! Here's something I noticed about Vanilla database stucture. What about letting the user choose his own table prefix ? It's set to 'lum_' at this time and I don't think any user could have some table names set to 'lum_user' or 'lum_category' before installing Vanilla, but it could be helpful. Some projects like DotClear ( ) have this feature.


  • I seem to remember this being agreed as an option in the next revisions installer. In the meantime i think there is someone who's achieved it but i'm not 100% sure. I'm pretty sure by changing a couple of references here and there it can be done but i cant remember the exact places and i'm not at home.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    This has already been done in the dev version.
  • Great ! I'll perform a new French localisation soon, because I haven't done anything since July. I'll report some other bugs here. Can someone give me the bugtrackers' URL ? Thanks !
  • You'll need to make account if you havent already.
  • BenBen
    edited October 2005
    We managed to solve the problem in this revison over here.
  • Thanks for the links ! I'll do my best to report bugs !
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