Vanilla : HTML formating error

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi ! I noticed an error in Vanilla HTML formating. I tried to display this: <pre>$this->PageJump = "<a class=\"PageJump AllDiscussions\" href=\"./\">Show all discussions</a>";</pre> This works fine excepts the <a> link will be interpreted. Copy and paste in a HTML comment and you'll notice the error too. I also tried to do this with a <code> tag, but I had the same result.


  • So, what are you trying to do exactly? Put the html anchor in between <pre> or <code> tags?
  • Juts trying to output the code in <pre> and </pre> tags to be better desplayed, but the link was displayed like a "true" HTML link, instead of text !
  • So you want the actual HTML code to be displayed? Replace all '<' with '<' and '>' with '>'.
  • I don't think the problem is in my text, because everything between <pre> and </pre> shouldn't be interpreted.
  • No, there can be interpreted HTML within <pre> tags. Run the html through the PHP function htmlspecialchars(), that'll get you what you need.
  • Sorry ... the <xmp> tag should be used, but it's now deprecated.
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