Email notification

Was wondering if there's any way I can turn off email notification for this site ( I receive over 300 emails a day as it is, and now there's more whenever someone replies to a thread. I might be wrong with this: does it only send off notifications when I bookmark a topic?

Also, an idea: Maybe there should be only one email for a topic, even if there are 30 replies. The email would say something like, "There are updates to a discussion you are involved in. Click here to see the latest update, or click here to unsubscribe from this thread."


  • Yeah I think something needs to be done about being able to unsubscribe from discussions I very rarely like being subscribed to discussions and with Vanilla there is nothing I can do about it at the moment. Seems like something that should be built into the software.
  • I think it's safe to assume that @Mark is sorting something out. :) Should be ready by the final release.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yes - I've been working on a preferences page for stuff like this :)
  • Nice to hear - thanks Mark. :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I just added it to GitHub and pushed it live here at this forum. Go to your profile and click "My Preferences" in the side menu :)
  • That's great Mark - looks great. :)
  • Can this be added to the Vanilla Community forum? I'm desperate to unsubscribe from certain threads.
  • lucluc ✭✭
    @iamkeir: reread Mark's comment.
  • Sorry guys, I read it in a hurry, my bad.

    I'll unsubscribe from the forum for now, but I guess I was hoping for functionality to unsubscribe from a thread rather than the whole forum in future... fingers crossed...? :)

    Do like the new Vanilla, mind. Lovely.
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