bad news for installing V2 on godaddy hosting

edited January 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
i can not install v2 on godaddy hosting ,you can see here
and i contact the godaddy service ,but they replied me that

Thank you for contacting Online Support. It appears that this issue you are experiencing is due to custom scripting on the account. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide technical support with third-party scripting issues. We are very limited in the support we can offer for customer-written code or scripts. Please let us know if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns. Our service departments and telephone lines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to accommodate your needs anytime.



  • dude I just installed vanilla on godaddy a second ago... Had no problems whatsoever

  • i had bought the bluehost's hosting ,and installed V2 on it successfully...
  • Great beenhua, hope everything goes well for you there!

    Seems people are having some mixed results on GoDaddy. Hopefully it can be nailed down and the issues resolved.
  • any updates on this? was hoping to install V2 on GoDaddy but don't want to row upstream without a paddle...
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