MySQL 5.0.15

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hiya! When trying to install Vanilla forum on the newest MySQL 5.0.15 I get this error: "Mysql said: Field 'Attributes' doesn't have a default value" Btw.. this is on windows. Anybody knows what's going on and how to fix it? Thanks!


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited October 2005
    That's wierd.

    Open up database.sql and on line 143 change it to this:

    `Attributes` text NOT NULL default '',

    Then try the install again. Keep in mind that you may have to manually wipe all tables from your original install attempt. The installer refuses to overwrite anything already in a database (safety precaution).
  • Why would changing versions affect that?
  • Thank you mark! It works great now.
  • Why does it have to have a default value there?
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