Please help me to defeat Mac IE5 (CSS problem)

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Having fixed the last problem ( I have one final bug having spent 2 days solid re-arranging all the code... Every browser I've tested is working now fine, apart from Mac IE5 which is showing the hidden parts of the topnavbar at Not fixing this is not an option, so if anyone can help me get this right I will owe you big big big time! (I did fix this earlier on in the project at but can't seem to work out why this page works and the new one doesn't)


  • :-) I managed to fix it last night, phew. And it's the first time I've got something to validate as XHTML :-)
  • I like your designs. Really nice.
  • Thanks giginger! I've been working with someone else in the office on this so can't take full credit for the layout... In fact a 3 column grid with fixed height boxes was not my idea, and definitely not the easiest thing to put together :-P This is my first time at using css for a commercial project though - it was a bit scary to at first be honest, but a real learning experience that's for sure! I quite like the fact that the design has absoluetly none of the stuff that is trendy in webdesign at the moment (apart from the simplebits icons!)
  • Now I have some very stange behaviour - the height of the layout at changes to it's correct value, but only when you refresh the page... This only happens in some browsers, is something collapsing, and could it be related to a minimum height hack I'm appliny to some of the layouts.... totally stumped again :-(
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