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Moving Forum to New Server

edited February 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
My hosting plan is about to expire and I'd like to use a different host. Is there any way for me to transfer the forum over to the new host without losing any data?



  • Sure there is. Back everything up and transfer it to your new host, including your database.

    I would bet that your new host would have information regarding how to transfer your data to their host without (or very minimal) downtime.
  • So what exactly do I need to change? I've backed up all of the forum files, and exported the MySQL database. Do I just upload them to the new server and change around the configuration files?
  • That, the conf cchange should be limited to the paths (except if you change the domain address too).
  • Where is the configuration file?
  • In the directoory strangely named : conf.
  • :p Okay how about where do I change the administrator?
  • What do you mean?
  • Where do I change the name of the forum administrator?
  • erm no let me simplify it even further - how do I upgrade a member to admin?
  • Create your own subject instead of hickjacking this one for your own purpose.

  • Hey! Less of the attitude. This is a follow-on from me moving my forum so either give an answer or do us all a service and shut up.
  • That's not attitude, that's basic netiquette.

    Moving doesn't imply changing the administrator.
    Reading just a few docs, or clicked just a little bit on your forum and you would have seen how to do it in less than 30 min after your first question, 8 hours ago.

  • As I thought you don't actually know....
  • Abacus:
    As I thought you don't actually know....
    Heh, and you expect to get help with that approach? Help is provided here free of charge, as is the software. You aren't entitled to anything.
  • Help has already arrived in the form of a simple message which enabled me to solve the problem.
  • edited February 2010
    Ok, so I've backed up the database and I uploaded all of the files to the new server, but when I try to import the database file in phpMyAdmin, I get the following error:

    SQL query:

    -- Database: `ncfixedc_forum`
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Table structure for table `LUM_Category`

    `Name` VARCHAR( 100 ) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    `Description` TEXT COLLATE latin1_general_ci,
    `Priority` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    `Subscribeable` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    PRIMARY KEY ( `CategoryID` )
    ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = latin1 COLLATE = latin1_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT =9;

    MySQL said:

    #1046 - No database selected

    Any ideas?
  • Anyone have a clue? I really need to get this forum back up and running!

  • lucluc ✭✭
    edited February 2010
    Select a database first, as said by the error.

    via "use plop;" at the top of the dump file, or by usig -D plop on the command line.
  • I'm not sure what you mean by that. Just add the words "use plop;" at the top of my backed up database file?
  • Replace plop with the database your tables go in.
    Otherwise, that's it.
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