Installing Vanilla 1 onto RapidWeaver

edited February 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I'm trying to install Vanilla 1 onto RapidWeaver and it's not working. I did all the nine steps found here:

Still doesn't work. I know nothing about programming. Following the steps was fairly simple, but I may be missing something. Any advice?


  • How did you get on I am struggling with the same issue?
  • Sorry for the delay. Follow the forum conversation that I mention above. You'll see my comments regarding the use of TextWrangler instead of Apple's Text Edit software to copy and paste the code. That was my problem. I just went back to copy and paste all new code using TextWrangler and it worked. Also look for good theme ideas in our conversation. After I got it to work, I changed the theme and added some plugins to my forum and it looks much better that the plain Vanilla forum. Check it out,

    Best of luck.
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