As far as programming languages I've used the list is quite extensive.
ASM, C, C++, C#, VB (including the changes that it underwent from verson, .Net, Delphi, Cobalt, Perl, Java, JS, CGI, PHP, ASP, Markups, LISP (and a few spinoffs of it), and a few others I'm sure I'm forgetting.
As far as fluent in anymore, I'd say ASM, VB, PHP, ASP, Java, JS, RoR, Markups, and I'm sure I could dig out of my brain Delphi again if I sat down to think awhile.
Some of the worse languages to program in, imo at least, were ASM, (switching from C to C++ was a nightmare), and LISP and every one of it's spin offs.
Kosmo, I remember there used to be (probably still is) a module out there for php to create/modify flash in php. I can't remember what its called as I've never used it, but it was with one of the gfx editing packages. Overall it was pretty weak but got the job done which was nice.
I can see XML/XHtml/CSS as a language in it's own right, afterall it is what XUL is mainly based off of with a heavy helping of JS to manipulate it all. I've toyed with it for the Le Breeze theme for firefox and would have to say it is something that can activly be scripted if you needed it.
Well, my favorite language, for the moment, is Cache Object Script. It has a lot o f interesting concept and it's so easy to make some prototype with it when you need a proof op concept.
I alse love ecmascript and its prototyping view of the OO paradigm, as I like OCaml too for its great mix of OO and funcional paradigms.
Java is my common business langage. It's not perfect, that's a fact, but the version 5 and the future version 6 should make a lot of improuvement in the lack of concept.
On the other side, there is... PHP. This is REALLY a peace of shit. The only "good" point is that nearly all the webhosting angencies are offering it (with mysql :'-( ) and that's why I'm using it. If you haven't see the C code of php, you simply cannot imagine how it is buggy, slow and badly coded! And I don't even speak of the project using PHP, Vanilla is the FIRST that I've founded well coded. There is no camparison to phpbb and this ugly thing called Smarty (yeurk!).
PS: in response to jesusphreak, Vanilla is written in php4 and yes, there are bigger differences in the OO model between the two versions that it may appears.
So what are your methods of learning? Where did you start, did you go from markup to scripting to programming or the other way around?
I think Skripting is a great way to get introduced in to the world of programming, programming languages are way more extensive than scripting languages so you have to manage more aspects with programming so scripting introduces your to the whole workflow but spares you of the tedious managing of every aspect of the code.
Ofcourse there are very few similarities with programming and markup, but scripting like RoR has uses for them both so markup is like an extension of scripting, which brings you another manageable element and one step closer to programming.
Wow, I'm just rambling around, and I think it's awesome.