Someone care to work out this database bug for me?

So i'm just using a piece of software we have here for our client management stuff. I need to get a list of all the clients with a number below 1000. Now i can write my own sql statements and get them to perform it for me so it should be simple, right?
So i run a statement such as
SELECT ...... FROM Clients WHERE Client.AccountNumber < "999"
And it returns all the clients. When i search for clients less than 1000 it returns the client number 100.
It seems like the client number record isnt just an int, but i cant work out what it is. I've never come across anything like this before... Is there any search i can run to actually get all the client numbers below 1000?
Needless to say the helpdesk arent answering,
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select * from clients where accountnumber < 1000
should work fine...