And the overpaying continues
A site I visit pretty often, Digg, just got VC funding of 2.8 MILLION. Are you kidding me? 2.8 million? What were they smoking?
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Sorry, have to disagree with you there, Skype has completely changed the way I make phone calls and communicate online, I personally think eBay got a bit of a bargain.
woah. wierd.
One use I can see Skype trumping up the phone system is when WiFi spots become so prevalent and saturate areas, that you can walk around with a pocket PC and have it double as a phone. All in all, it's free, pretty damn easy. It's either paying out the ass for long distance charges, or using skype over your internet connection and not paying any extra. Sure it's nothing new, but it's useful
Hopefully by then I will have sold my utterly wothless site through clever hype and marketing. Then I can retire and live out my days doing fuck all. Bliss.