Need Help With Add-Ons
I could really use some help. I downloaded a few add ons but I don't understand HOW to install them.
"it must be contained within it's own directory within the extensions directory. So, once you have downloaded and unzipped the extension files, you can then place the folder containing the default.php file into your installation of Vanilla. The path to your extension's default.php file should look like this:
I'm not understanding where the extension directory is and how do I place the camera looking file into it.
"it must be contained within it's own directory within the extensions directory. So, once you have downloaded and unzipped the extension files, you can then place the folder containing the default.php file into your installation of Vanilla. The path to your extension's default.php file should look like this:
I'm not understanding where the extension directory is and how do I place the camera looking file into it.
Using an FTP client, log into your website, navigate to the extensions directory and upload the directory and files you extracted from the ZIP file you downloaded.
Then you click the Settings tab at the top of your forum and then select Extensions from the Panel (on the left by default). You should then see your extension in the main view.
Although it doesn't cover uploading via FTP I have a screenshot walk-through of where to find and how to enable the JQuery extension and the CKEditor plugin. This should help you.
In general, give more information with your problem and people will be able to give you better help. Things such as the version of Vanilla you are running, the name of the add-on you're trying to get working and its version number are all really useful bits of information. If possible, also give a link to you site!
Again thanks and sorry for the limited info.