Changing the basic colors

to change the basic colors of the vanilla forum, do i just edit the global.css file and call it a day?


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    There are no hard and fast rules for how to customize the css in Vanilla. You can alter the main css file if you like (it is your install, after all). Or you can create a new folder in the styles folder named whatever you want and create a whole new style - then use the administrative settings to shift the forum over to your new style. Just in case you haven't seen it, there are a bunch of custom styles over on the docs site:
  • Hi there,

    I need to change the color of the default theme from blue to pink. Ive been hunting high and low for the global.css file, as you've mentioned here, but can't find it in any of the Vanilla files. Can you tell me where the file is I should edit and secondly what the hex code is for the blue so I can find it to change out?

    Thanks so much
  • lucluc ✭✭
    Are you really using vanilla 1?
    Use "inspect element" either directly in chrome or safari, or use firebug in firefox.
    It will be much easier to find out what you want and even doing live changes to see how it looks.
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