Bugs? plugin: Vanilla Replies

I enabled the plugin "Vanilla Replies" which comes with V2&Garden,
I encountered with two problems.

I keep getting the message when I try to start a new discussion following:

"A fatal error occurred while processing the request.
The server returned the following response: parsererror"

Though i got this message, I was able to create the discussion.
When I refresh my browser, it's there.

When posting a comment, the text I wrote stays in the textbox (does not refresh automatically).
The comment section usually refreshed after posting by AJAX, doesn't it?

Anybody have same problem?


  • natebeatynatebeaty New
    edited April 2010
    I had that problem also, editing /plugins/VanillaCommentReplies/default.php seemed to fix it:

    - $Sender->SQL->Where('c2.ReplyCommentID is null');
    + $Sender->SQL->Where('c.ReplyCommentID is null');

    I also had problems with the js file. These were my fixes in /plugins/VanillaCommentReplies/replies.js:

    - $(row).parents('.Comment').find('ul.Info li.ReplyCount a').text(json.Replies);
    + $(row).parents('.Comment').find('li.ReplyCount a').text(json.Replies);


    - $('li.Comment ul.Info li.ReplyCount a').live('click', function() {
    + $('li.Comment li.ReplyCount a').live('click', function() {

    These were both pretty obvious fixes, which I assume will be addressed by devs soon. Tho I'm not sure if I should submit my fixes? Or if they're hinging on something else being worked on? The second fix was from a change in the html, ul.Info was now ul.Options, and I just didn't see a reason to be so specific with targeting the "li.ReplyCount a" links.
  • bobthemanbobtheman
    edited April 2010
    due to the active development of v2, working toward a release candidate (RC) and eventually an official release some of the plugins are currently not working. once a more consistent, close to release v2 comes about im sure a large portion of the plugins will be updated. If you have a stable version up and running that you've become dependent on, i would stick with that till official releases start to roll off the production line and attempt to update that way. Import export is key here, just waiting for these features to be developed and included in core

    your always welcome to create an account on github and contribute to the development if thats something your interested in.
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