HTML in Topic name/subject?

edited February 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is there any way to get Vanilla 1 (with the HTMLFormatter extension) to support HTML in the Topic name/subject?


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Not out of the box, but at a simple level you could implement a theme that passes the topic through the same filter as comment bodies instead of stripping out html.
  • Thanks Mark. I took a quick look into Themes, but it soon got a bit too complicated to understand, given that I'm just at the stage of evaluating Vanilla!

    Would it be something as simple as taking a copy of the default theme and then deleting a call to strip out the HTML and adding a call vaguely like:
    $the_topic_name = CallTheCommentBodyFilter( $the_topic_name );
    or would it be a bit more complicated?
    I tried looking through the default theme code but I couldn't see anywhere obvious that looked as if it was filtering HTML from the Topic name - so is maybe this normally handled by code outside of the theme, so the theme would need to be re-worked a fair bit to handle the filtering itself (so it _would_ be more complicated!)?

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