Highlighted New and/or Unread messages without logging on?
Does Vanilla support having the 'New' and 'Unread' message highlighting displayed even when a user is not logged on? So that users can see the New and Unread highlighting without having to logon.
In my forum, the vast majority of accesses are users just visiting to read the latest messages, not posting. So, they want to see what new/unread messages since their last access, but to do that they need to logon (which is a bit of a pain). It would be good if they only needed to logon when actually doing something that needs to access the user permission capabilities (like posting, viewing their accounts details etc).
Something like having a permanent cookie that is used for the New/Unread highlighting separate from the user-session cookie that they get when they logon. Obviously such a cookie would be shared by all users using the same browser instance, but in the case of my forum that's not a problem.
Or maybe it could be done in a slightly different way by some kind of optional expanded auto-logon URL that users could bookmark (not sure exactly what I mean by that in Vanilla terms!)?
Any ideas?
In my forum, the vast majority of accesses are users just visiting to read the latest messages, not posting. So, they want to see what new/unread messages since their last access, but to do that they need to logon (which is a bit of a pain). It would be good if they only needed to logon when actually doing something that needs to access the user permission capabilities (like posting, viewing their accounts details etc).
Something like having a permanent cookie that is used for the New/Unread highlighting separate from the user-session cookie that they get when they logon. Obviously such a cookie would be shared by all users using the same browser instance, but in the case of my forum that's not a problem.
Or maybe it could be done in a slightly different way by some kind of optional expanded auto-logon URL that users could bookmark (not sure exactly what I mean by that in Vanilla terms!)?
Any ideas?