Thinking about moving to WP + Wishlist Members Plugin + Vanilla (from Expression Engine)...Questions

edited March 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I'm using Expression Engine CMS with the Forum Module. It is a very good CMS but it is getting a bit complicated.

So, I'm thinking of changing the concept and moving to a WP + Wishlist Members Plugin + Vanilla combination, since I read there is a plugin which shares WP user database with Vanilla.

My main concern is Privacy and Groups-User management in Vanilla. We are a school and for everyclass we need to set up a private forum. Some students need to access to more than one Private Forum.

In Expressin Engine due to the fact than a user is not able to belong to more than one group. I had to create a group for everyuser. That was quite a lot of work, but it is ok, it made the job.

¿Can I create private forums within Vanilla?

¿Can a user belong to more than one group?

¿Can I quote a user comment when I replay? since I see here, there is no WYSIWYG o bbCode editor, which is actually strange.



  • if im not mistaken, vanilla will support "pages" and possibly other CMS related functions in the near future
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