Internal company discussion board

I want to start a discussion board that is only accessable on the company network. Can I still use Vanilla to accomplish this? Basically it will be an html file located on one our network drives, not "hosted" on a website.


  • No.

    That's the short answer =D The longer answer is "No, I'm afraid not". Why? Because Vanilla requires PHP which in turn requires a web server (like apache) as well as a database (usually mySQL). Sorry!
  • ...But if you chose to host a webserver internally....yes!
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    This could totally be to your network administrator/tech guy and they should be able to set up an in house server to host an open source forum client such as Vanilla or BBPress...or even a paid client like vBulletin. You probably can't do it yourself though, so if you don't have a tech guy at your company you will have to find a company to set it up for you.
  • Well yeah, of course you could setup Apache, PHP and MySQL and run it on a server, but that's not exactly "an html file located on one our network drives" is it :P

    Easiest way to get Vanilla up and running internally/locally is to install XAMPP and run it from that. It should only take about 15-30 minutes for an IT person to sort out.
  • i took the xampp root the other day.. quite clean. I'm not an it person, but got a forum, apache, mysql, php, etc up and running other day. Just a few minutes is what it took. The only issue I had is that it was not clear how best to configure the mysql databsae for speed, etc. Any recommendations on mysql configuration for a small forum (40 people perhaps).
  • Mysql server for 40 people may as well just be left. Generally you only optimise for large number of people.
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