any plans to add support for attachments?

edited March 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I would really like to see the option to add attachments to posts.
This of cause involves many config options like how many attachments to allow, who can attach, who can download, what file types are allowed, etc... It's a lot of work, I know but I just want to know if this has even been planned and if so, then is this in the near term plan or far in the future?


  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    Attachments just slow things down...the way things are going now, people will have stuff stored in the cloud, where they will easily be able to link to it if they want to share it (ie. in a Vanilla post).

    Something that auto embeds pictures/videos would be good though, I'm sure someone will come up with a plugin for that.
  • Every feature slows down things. Anything that adds lines of code slows down things.
    What you saying is that user of vanilla forum will have to upload a file or an image someplace else and then just post a link to it on the forum? This does not sound like a concept that people would be happy to embrace.

    If vanilla forum wants to compete with other forum packages like vbulletin phpbb simplemachines, etc... then it has to offer all the features these other guys have - attachments, polls, private messaging, better fine-tuning of permissions controls, rich text editor. The rich text editor is a must and its one of the easiest thing to add because there are so many good RTEs out there and then all javascript, just pick one and add js file and no changes are needed on the server side.

  • All those things sound like plugins. Attachments was done as a prototype but S says don't use it on production i believe. Ive slowly started work on the poll addon, vanilla has private messaging, what more permissions do you want? And rich text editor can be easily included however again is a plugin.
  • I think you should just pick a good RTE and use it as default, something that ships with vanillaforum. I mean in this day n age it just look weird when you install a forum and it does not have an RTE. It really is something that people expect these days.
    I would suggest the one from the YUI as it is extremely light weight and super easy to add, it just takes over the existing textarea and can even automatically submit the entire form as regular post or XHR. I like YUI RTE, but it's not up to me of cause, as long as there is a decent RTE that comes with the forum by default, It's 100 times better than no RTE. After all, this is not a twitter.
  • What else do I want? Smilies would be nice!
  • Your missing the point of vanilla, vanilla was designed to not have features. Vanilla (hence the name) was meant to be a plain forum system without the "fluff". This way you can have plugins to do near enough anything, i personally don't have a need for a RTE however a plugin could be created for any of the RTE's out there so the user can pick. The idea is to build on vanilla with plugins rather than confine a user to using a single feature (RTE in this case).

    And again smilies is trivial, will never make it into the core but can be a plugin.
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