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Hiding discussions

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Brings up a popup checking you want to hide the discussion, which is fine, but the titlebar[?] of the popup is just - cant you make this say something a little less ugly? I know this is a very very trivial issue, but while i was testing something else i noticed it.


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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It's just a javascript confirm() command. It can only do so much.
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    sounds like a deal to me.
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    I have a totally stupid situation :) When I try to hide a discussion, the confirmation box appears, I press OK, the page refreshes, but nothing happens. It woun't hide! I checked the database and the cleanup function and there's just no hidden discussions. I've tried different usernames, different roles, different discussions, different languages and different categories. Nothing! I can't hide a discussion and can't lock them either. What am I doing wrong? I have the version and otherwise it's a perfect forum. Would be sad to dump it over such a stupid little problem...
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    uh..huh. I must say from all the errors i've seen people reporting on vanilla i cant remember hiding discussions ever having been one of them. Are you sure you're not getting any errors anywhere atall? I'm assuming all your database permissions are sufficient since otherwise your forum wouldnt be working. Without digging into the code i cant really help much furhter and now i've gotta run. If you can try and pinpoint anything atall which doesnt seem quite right it might help some.
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    ok, I deleted my old database tables, downloaded Vanilla again and installed it into another folder. Now it seems to work fine. Must have been something I did wrong last time... Sorry for the trouble :)
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    Awesome. Have fun.
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    lechlech Chicagoland
    Hmm, I wonder if it would be possible to bring that confirmation dialogue into a little dhtml snip that is available only to moderators with that kind of access. /me ponders the possibilities.
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