Stuck at step 2 of 3 of the instalation process

edited March 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I receive messages stating that access to my server was achieved but an error occured while trying to access the database I created on my server.
The required fields are not meant for lamen folk like myself I presume as I cannot understand what you are requesting, so here are my inputs for your possible andsoonest reply and assistance where possible:
MySQL Server
MySQL Database Name XXXXXXX
MySQL Password XXXXX
MySQL Table Prefix LUM_ (what is this and must I add something to it?)


  • I am a beginner myself, but maybe I can help as I was stuck on this step myself. Also, I have a Mac... so if you are a PC user this probably won't help.

    MySQL Server: unless you have changed this it is "localhost"
    MySQL Database Name: you have to create a mysql data... just google the command prompt to do this, and when you do put the name you created here. I named mine "forum"
    MySQL User: if you have not changed this then it is "root"
    MySQL Password: you can set this
    MySQL Table Prefix: LUM_ <-don't mess with this.
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