Handler and Hook?!

ZeFishZeFish New
edited March 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I'm currently trying to make a plugin that work in the body of each post and comment but I don't seems to find the proper magic function to get this information and change it....

Can please someone help me!? is there any list of all the possibility?


  • SS ✭✭
    edited March 2010
    find CallEventHandler() function in your library\core\class.pluginmanager.php file.
    Uncomment //echo "<div> $EventKey </div>";
    Or better change it to
    echo "<div style='display:inline;border:1px dotted black'> $EventKey </div>\n";
    Then go to discussion index or any duscussion , you will see plugin's function name that allow make hook in this place. But most of these will be "gdn_locale_beforetranslate_handler" and "base_beforetranslate_handler" (ignore them).
  • lucluc ✭✭
    @S: thanks, really interesting.
  • Ho great!!! thanks alors now let's build those plugin ;)

    Ho... have you seen any doc about the $Sender object?
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