So.. I'm trying to create an application.

edited March 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I have some background with frameworks (mostly CI), and I'm trying to get up and running with garden.
For some reason, it is not progressing as smoothly as I've hoped..
So -- does anyone know a good tutorial? I have read all the docs here in the site, but I still need something more.. In depth.

Any response would be highly appreciated.


  • lucluc ✭✭
    I've begun writing one a few back, but I still haven't got round to finish it.

    It's there:

    And the project need to be rewritten, to follow the differents steps I wanted to described.

    I kept the application with not many features so the code stays basic enough to help people understand.

    I am by no way a skilled programmer (sysadmin level, that's it), so caveat included.
  • @luc thank you very much for your reply, though what I seek is a tutorial -- the code itself is available in many applications, but code can only take you as far as that specific application goes..

    By the way - is it just me, or does the filters in the 'addons' section doesn't really do their thing..?
  • lucluc ✭✭
    I guess it's just you, working fine here (addons site).

    I know for the code, it took me a long time to arrive to do this simple app.
    That's why I want to break down the steps so that people understand what every single thing in this single app is doing.
  • Try googling whether you need code or tutorial web will surely provide, just be simple in your words.
  • lucluc ✭✭
    @php_web_development: no. Garden is just there, it's not widely used, so there's no tutorial anywhere yet.
  • @luc awesome! now it works! :) maybe it's a logged-in thingie..

    anyhow, I'm digging into your app.. Do you think you'll have the time to write the tut anytime soon? I'm dying here.. :)
  • lucluc ✭✭
    I've absolutely no idea. Yesterday I though I could begin to do it, but in the end I had no time. I'll have the same wish for today or tomorrow.
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