Feedback from Users: How do I make sense of this?
I love the look and many of the ideas around Vanilla. I have a current user base that is (1) made of up hardcore movie fanatics and (2) used to posting on vBulletin.
I'd love to implement Vanilla (or a Vanilla-like solution) on my site, but I'm not sure it would take.
I posted a list of twenty five common features and asked users to rank them from one to ten. The number one reply received ten points, the number two, nine, number three, eight, and so on.
256 Private messaging
229 Search that works
177 Signature lines
148 Quick Reply (Reply box at the bottom of every thread page)
138 Reputation Comments (Similar to "whisper" functionality)
131 Smilies
127 WYSIWYG/GUI Post Editor
124 Reputation Points (aka Karma)
100 User Title
81 Ignore list
76 Thread Reply Count
69 Thread subscriptions
59 Mouseover on thread title
52 Current Users (list at the bottom of each forum page)
49 Profile Additional Info (birthdays, biography, occupation, etc)
42 Polls
46 Who's Online
34 Member List
19 Location:
18 Thread View Count
9 User profile picture
8 Email Subscriptions
5 Invisible mode
5 Widescreen Avatars
0 Buddy list
The number one most important feature has *nothing* to do with the forum at all. I am wary of features like Quick Reply, because it sets up an almost IRC or chat-like interface on the forum. Still others make no sense: the ability to ignore other users is in the top ten, yet on this forum on 8% of the active users employ it. Likewise with polls. People voted for the feature even though it's almost never used.
How do I make sense of this? Do I ignore what they *say* is important to them in favor of what actually is?
Do I try and nudge them toward Vanilla, or cave and give them exactly what they want across the board, even though I think it might be to the detriment of the overall experience?
Many thanks for any thoughts and replies!
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Anyway, whatever you do, be careful. The last thing you want to do is alientate a userbase that you've spent so much time and work building. A lot of people have the mindset, "Its your website, do what you want", but I feel like with Internet communities, its not really your site, its THEIR site, the people's site, and you really need to try and accomodate them as much as you can.
I don't see the point of them either, if you're a regular user of a forum you know who's who and who has a good rep. An artificial measure of this is also easily gamed by people and so quickly becomes useless.
I think one thing it's important to remember is that 'people don't know what they want'