Upgrading to a newer version 2

edited March 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is there an easy way to go about upgrading an older version of Vanilla 2 to a newer one if you don't have command line access?


  • Depends what you call easy ;) You can always just download the current version and then upload it via FTP. That's pretty easy and doesn't require commmand line access...
  • if you are using a unmodified theme you can overwrite the entire theme directory, if you have a modded theme be aware it will overwrite any changes you have made so make sure you have a backup.

    also dont overwrite your conf directory or else it will be like a fresh install.
  • @bobtheman, the conf is saved in config.php, the download does only include the default config, which is named differently.
  • I was wondering the same thing. So just download the latest trunk and just completely overwrite everything on the directory? Is that what I need to do?
  • edited April 2010
    That fully depends on the amount of changes. I am pretty sure, but may need confirmation that when you didn't change anything yourself on the filesystem, you can safely override it.

    Just always backup
  • Well, I'll back everything up and give that a try. There isn't much content on my site anyway, so if I need to, I'll just reinstall everything.
  • edited April 2010
    just overwrote everything except the conf folder on the latest release and got a bonk message. How do I figure out what happened?
  • nevermind found this thread


    updated the vanilla database and all is well.
  • I've been searching around the forums here looking for comments and questions on howto migrate vanilla 1 db users and discussions into vanilla 2. Am I just missing it or has nobody tried this yet? Link me up if there is already a discussion on this.

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    There is an upgrade script in the Vanilla 2 core application for Vanilla 1.

    2. Install your Vanilla 2 database in the same db as your Vanilla 1 installation.
    3. Sign into your Vanilla 2 install as UserID 1 (the user you created during the Vanilla 2 install).
    4. Go to yourdomain.com/path_to_forum/garden/upgrade
    5. Follow instructions.

    It has not been thoroughly tested, so you may hit errors. You need to have firebug installed so you can monitor the ajax calls and their responses in case you hit an error. From a user-perspective if you hit an error you may see a spinner that never ends.
  • aha, Thank you very much I'll give that a try.
  • retoidretoid New
    edited April 2010
    Mark, thank you again. So far everything has gone smooth with not one single error.
    It seemed to have retained all accounts, roles (without permissions) and categories.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • what will your "old" forum look like while you complete step #2?

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