How to follow user or add friend ?

edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is there any way to follow users like in twitter or adding as a friend ?
And i want to show in activity section, only events of the friends or people which you follow.

Any plugin or does anybody know how to make it?


  • edited August 2010
    Yeah ! i w'd like to know it.
  • @bobtheman
    Good Idea !
  • Trust me, this is the first plugin I thought of when I started messing with Vanilla.

    I was going to work on a groups application first, though I suppose that following users would be more important, and more people would find use with the 'Friends' application. The code would be similar, too, so I could use some of what I have started, and when I finish the friends application, I could use that code to work on the groups application.

    If anyone else would like to help out, I'm on github. ;)
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    We've written a very basic "Following" plugin, mostly as a proof of concept, but all it does right now is generate a pair of "Following" and "Followed by" boxes on your profile page. Other issues / plugins took priority though, and development sort of stalled.

    Would you guys like to start from where we left off? I could make a new repo and add the existing sourcecode to it....

    Let me know.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • This would be a very good addition to Vanilla 2, even if only in a simple format such as who you follow and who's following you, as @Tim mentioned.
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