Hooking to rendering of private messages.

edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I plugged in an event I needed (See: http://github.com/Dykam/Garden/commit/46a5d7539cc8eb8f043f37bd59883a31a046ec6c ), for smiley rendering and some other stuff. I tried to find the same spot in the Conversation app, and did, but I was unable to find the place to fetch the message from. Had to add $this->FireEvent("BeforeMessageRender") somewhere, but the local $Message was not exposed as it was not part of the sender. How do I plug this in without doing more than only additional hooking in the core, like I did with Vanilla.


  • Bump...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    If you look at line 7 of that file, you'll see this:

    $Sender->EventArguments['Comment'] = &$Comment;

    So, within your plugin's method, you can get at the comment to alter it like this:
    $Comment = &$Sender->EventArguments['Comment'];
    $Comment->Body = YourFunctionToAlterTheBodySomeHow($Comment->Body);
    That should get you where you need to go. Notice the ampersand When I assign the $Comment variable - this makes it assign by reference - which means that the actual comment outside your hook is affected by the change.
  • oliverraduneroliverraduner ✭✭
    edited June 2010
    @Mark When I want to alter a Comment using a Plugin, is it the right way to do it like this?
    public function DiscussionController_CommentBody_Handler(&$Sender)
    $Comment = $Sender->EventArguments['Comment'];
    $Comment->Body = $this->MyModifications($Comment->Body);
  • Currently I am using, not sure if all are effective.

    public function Apply($text) {
    // stuff here
    return $text;

    public function DiscussionController_BeforeCommentBody_Handler(&$Sender) {
    $Sender->CurrentComment->Body = $this->Apply($Sender->CurrentComment->Body);

    * PostController_BeforeCommentBody_Handler
    * @param PostController $Sender
    public function PostController_BeforeCommentBody_Handler(&$Sender) {
    $Sender->CurrentComment->Body = $this->Apply($Sender->CurrentComment->Body);

    * PostController_BeforeDiscussionRender_Handler
    * @param PostController $Sender
    public function PostController_BeforeDiscussionRender_Handler(&$Sender) {
    if ($Sender->View == 'preview') {
    $Sender->Comment->Body = $this->Apply($Sender->Comment->Body);

    * PostController_BeforeCommentRender_Handler
    * @param PostController $Sender
    public function PostController_BeforeCommentRender_Handler(&$Sender) {
    if ($Sender->View == 'preview') {
    $Sender->Comment->Body = $this->Apply($Sender->Comment->Body);
  • @Dykam Thank you for your code examples. Unfortunately for me this did not work... :-(

    Here is a simply example I use to test the altering of the Output of existing comments:
    public function AlteringTest($Text)
    return $Text.' ===== Hello World! =====';

    public function DiscussionController_Render_BeforeCommentBody(&$Sender)
    $Sender->CurrentComment->Body = $this->AlteringTest($Sender->CurrentComment->Body);
    I can successfully activate my plugin, but simply nothing happens with the comments when displaying a discussion... Any ideas?
  • edited June 2010
    In applications/vanilla/views/discussion/helper_functions.php
    <div class="Message"><?php echo Gdn_Format::To($Object->Body, $Object->Format); ?></div>
    <?php $Sender->FireEvent('BeforeCommentBody'); ?>
    <div class="Message"><?php echo Gdn_Format::To($Object->Body, $Object->Format); ?></div>
  • @ the vanilla team. It's severely broken to me, I cannot access the comment anymore.

    On I sidenote, I have the feeling accessing stuff like this is overly complex, but that's just me.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    @oliverraduner you missed out an important piece of mark's example:

    public function DiscussionController_CommentBody_Handler(&$Sender)
    $Comment = &$Sender->EventArguments['Comment'];
    $Comment->Body = $this->MyModifications($Comment->Body);
    This symbol makes your $Comment variable a reference to the actual comment on the $Sender object, so that any modifications you do to $Comment are reflected in $Sender->EventArguments['Comment'].

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]

  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    @Dykam I just committed a change to helper_functions and added a nice event near the top of the file, after all the EventArguments are populated. You should have full control of the comment data now.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]

  • Thank you pointing this out, @Tim. However, for me it does still not work - my modifications do not get added to the Comment output...
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