View Mailbox New Messages Externally?

edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is it possible to show the number of unread messages in your mailbox (similar to the vanilla index) from your website (that is totally separate from Vanilla only connected via SSO).

I am currently using ExpressionEngine connecting to Vanilla via SSO. Any advice/guidance would be much appreciated.



  • Do you mean on the site not the forums ? like a portal?
  • I'd like to be able to use Vanilla's Private Messaging as our members means of communication however we would need to have the ability to view the number of unread messages/newsfeed throughout out site (not just our forum). Wondering if there is a simple mean of doing that.

    I notice that you have it successfully applied through the website (ie if you go off the forum say in the community section you can still see the like to your notifications).

    Any help would be great!

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Every part of this site is built on Garden - so we don't need an api to get that information.

    You can get at the data through the database:
    select u.CountUnreadConversations 
    from GDN_User u
    join GDN_UserAuthentication ua
    on u.UserID = ua.UserID
    where ua.UniqueID = $YourSystemsUniqueUserID
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