latest github broke theming in v2

edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
updated today 04/03/2010 to newest github using the v2 theme, and its off. Anyone else having this issue?

@Mark .. was there any updates today on the v2 theme that wasnt updated on the addon side


  • if anyone using v2 with the latest github that is also using or can test the V2 theme and see if you lose some theming on the index page.
  • i think ive narrowed it down, there has to be edits to this v2 theme that havent been updated on the addons page for the theme.. i hope
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    There have been a ton of changes made to the html in the latest push to master. I haven't implemented the fixes for the theme yet (I assume that's the one you're talking about). Will get it finished tomorrow.
  • @Mark

    thanks for the update, cant wait.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Just uploaded a new version!
  • @Mark awesome work can i download it now and keep updating on a commercial site?
  • StashStash
    edited April 2010
    You should always test new updates on a dev server that is a dupe of your live site. Once you've happy about the updates, push them live.
  • Yes but can i still upgrade everytime theres an update on a live site instead on waiting for RC?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Just be cautious. The GitHub branch is very much "in development". There are going to be bugs - especially when we implement sweeping changes like the ones that went in yesterday. So, test on a dev server, and push to the live server after you've tested.
  • Im on live at the moment will post bugs if i come across any :D
  • :):) thank you so much... looks great and works like a charm
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