External free hosting

I have decided to create this topic as i know people cant aford to pay some hosting fees so i have thought about making a list of free AND paid hosting here
Free Hosting
http://www.5quidhost.co.uk <--- these are free and who im currently with. They use Cpanel
Paid Hosting
If you know any other hosts please reply or PM me im sure this will help alot if people want to have more freedom than vanillahosting
Free Hosting
http://www.5quidhost.co.uk <--- these are free and who im currently with. They use Cpanel
Paid Hosting
If you know any other hosts please reply or PM me im sure this will help alot if people want to have more freedom than vanillahosting

I am building a Vanilla (V1) site for myself on our servers with no issues. I haven't looked at V2 in any depth but can't imagine why it may be a problem.
You can host a vanilla website for free there too.
@davey_h is it reseller or dedi and you need PDO_enabled and URL_rewrite also what server is it (windows, linux,ubuntu etc)
Yes, PDO is enabled on all our Linux servers; in regards to URL_rewrite - do you mean mod_rewrite? Which is essentially URL rewritting! If so, then yes - fully enabled.
This is resold shared hosting.