Global config table

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have a suggestion for Vanilla! It could use a global config control thingy which saves additional extensions options to a single table. In this case it's easier for programmers to save their data and easier for users to implement (no troubles with file rights and textfiles).


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited November 2005
    You're not the first to suggest this, and I've been opposed to it because the last thing Vanilla needs is more database queries. Every time you query the database it drastically slows the application down. I should also mention that the next rev has completely changed the way the appg/settings.php file works. It's not done with constants anymore - and you will have a "conf" directory that allows you to customize and override the default settings (and add new settings).
  • Nice :) I'm looking forward to it ^^
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