Messages - option not to show to guest visitors

vizionaviziona New
edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I have few messages which are "dismissable". This way when user comes he can see it and close it once and forever.
But, in case guest is viewing the forum, he can't dismiss it.

Can I ask for another checkbox, or maybe even multiple select (with all roles in it) which would specify who can read this message?


  • Choosing what roles can read (and dismiss) a message would be nice indeed. Though having a dismiss function for guests would be hard as there would be no deterministic way of tracking who dismissed what properly, besides cookie and/or ip and/or etc.
  • no need for guests to dismiss, I could just have message shown only to logged in users :)

    I am not sure how much impact would such option have on performance, but it should not be big
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