profile privacy settings and other additional features

edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Has there been any discussion, or would anyone like to discuss thoughts and ideas on user profile page privacy settings.

Should vanilla have privacy settings for users to use for their profile page. Would this be beneficial to vanilla and sites ran off of garden?

Should we allow users to privatize their profile pages?

Thinking about profile pages brings about other features in mind, like the ability to upload multiple pictures to my profile page. a user gallery or photo album if you will.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    There is definitely a lot of room for growth on the profile pages. We've done our best to make it very pluggable, and we settled on what we felt would be the most common use-case (wide open profiles). The profile pictures even have their own table in the db to help with photo album stuff down the road. We are hoping that people jump in and make killer plugins to be used here.
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