List of all Events

vizionaviziona New
edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I might have missed some, here are those that I found by searching for "->FireEvent()"
BeforeDiscussionRender, BeforeCommentRender, GetAppSettingsMenuItems, AfterFormButtons, AfterDiscussionTitle, DiscussionMeta, DiscussionOptions, BeforeCommentsRender, AfterCommentMeta, AfterCommentBody, CommentOptions, AfterDiscussionSummaryQuery, BeforeGetID, AfterSaveDiscussion, AfterBookmarkDiscussion, , AfterCommentQuery, BeforeGet, BeforeGetCount, BeforeGetNew, BeforeGetOffset, AfterSaveComment, BeforeUpdateCommentCount, DeleteComment, Search, AddProfileTabs, AfterPreferencesDefined, AfterAddSideMenu, AfterGetAssetData, AfterGetLocationData, DefineAdminPermissions, DashboardData, OnBasicInfo, AfterBody, EditMyAccountAfter, BeforeInfo, AfterInfo, BeforeGetNotifications, BeforeGetComments, AfterBuildSearchQuery, AfterInsertUser, BeforeGetActiveUsers, SessionQuery, BeforeSaveValidation, BeforeSave, AfterSave, BeforeValidateCredentials, Authenticated, BeforeTranslate, AfterGetSession, BeforeAddModule, AfterAddModule, AfterEnabledApplication, AfterGetHandshakeData, SendMail


  • Those are only the events for _handler type functions (i.e. events occuring 'mid-method'). In regard to any given Pluggable object, _override can replace a method, _before/_after can be called before/after the method, and _new can even add new functions. Take a look in class.pluggable.php and class.pluginmanager.php to see how it works.
  • thanks
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    If you need more, just add them and send us a pull request (or just request them on here).
  • NickENickE New
    edited April 2010
    @Mark: is there a specific reason some methods have 'BeforeMethod' and 'AfterMethod' handler events? E.g. AddModule explicitly fires 'BeforeAddModule' and 'AfterAddModule' -- is there a performance reason why you can just define AddModule as xAddModule? Seems like keeping event names consistent would be a good idea.
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