Umm, I've been using newsphp for a news system on my site. It had a built in RSS generator that spat out old rdf. I changed that so it would spit out RSS 2.0 I made a variable or whatever it's called in php $currenttime = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"); and then to the template put <lastBuildDate>".$currenttime."</lastBuildDate>\n"; However I don't know how to get an RFC-822 date-time for <pubDate></pubDate> putting: $rsstime = strftime($Settings['timeformat'], $news['time']); <pubDate>".$rsstime."</pubDate> spits out ISO date time. Last time I asked, they weren't of any help. Now their website is down. So I am asking all of your php know-alls If you know what I could do. If you need any other information, let me know.


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