changes in default theme

edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Noticed some changes in the default theme with the latest updates. I like the all discussions/my discussions addition at the top. Although Im not sure the New Discussion button was supposed to lose its styling maybe its something I did. Heres a pic.


  • That's how it's supposed to look. That's what mine looks like also.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yep - it's supposed to be more button-ey and silver. The real changes made here were to the html underneath. All of the lists of data (discussions, conversations, activities, etc) use the same html now. It should make theming and styling MUCH easier. We are going to be revising style one more time before the final release. Bringing on some designers to help us out with it. It should be good!
  • Ok im just glad I didnt muck something up. I like the new direction and anything that will help simplify theming is a big plus in my book.
  • edited April 2010
    My only complaint about the changes is that the bar at the top with the new buttons in it, really looks out of place. It takes away from the uncluttered feeling that I love with Vanilla.

    Also, I am not sure where the moderator options are anymore. Like the sink button and such. They used to be on the category page before entering a topic, and it's not there anymore.

    Also..... I just realized that I also can't find where drafts are on this forum. I typed this out the other day, and saved it but I couldn't find it. I had to manually type in the url for drafts.
  • ...I always just hit /drafts/ I can never remember where it is either. And I often wonder what the difference between "Activity" and "Notifications" is in my profile area. They always seem to show the same stuff for me - or near enough.

    And another thing, does anyone else get double "Notification"s of things in the user area as well?
  • Not that I know of I don't. But my point about the drafts, if it's a feature, you might as well have a like or something to it on here. I'm sure it just slipped past the team. Or, maybe it's not there for a reason. Who knows.
  • edited April 2010
    Currently pulling the new style.css and my style.css, and vanilla.css, through a diff tool... layout is messed up a bit. Prolly won't be a problem though, as changes were not layout changing. Edit: the css file got a too big overhaul, gotta redo the fixes manually... beh.
  • Actually, the more I see the new boxes at the top, the more I like them, but I do think they need to be a little more streamlined into the design.
  • also noticed that when clicking on older comments and more comments it doesnt expand and nothing happens and somtimes causes the browser to crash.This is with chrome and firefox. Wish pagination was throughout and not just on the main page.
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