What is the path to my theme folder?

WeblogianWeblogian New
edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I am trying to create my first Vanilla Theme. I will greatly appreciate your help on this.
Well in Wordpress the path to the theme folder is
<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images....
What will be the path in Vanilla and where can I find doc of all related stuff on this?
Thank you


  • I was wondering the same thing, but I found ways to work around that.
  • Can you kindly share?
    How do change the logo navbar etc? I tried with the default.master.php. But it does not show up anything.

    I can only change color from the stylesheet. I like to know where is the html file.

    Is there any tutorial blog on Vanilla?
  • I mostly changed up the CSS. For the logo... I create a div and set the background image to my logo and in that div I put something like this

    <div class="logo"><a href="(homepage maybe)" style="width: (yourwidth) !important; height: (your height) !important; float: left;"></div>

    That's the only way it would work for me. That way I didn't need to have that path. I hope that makes sense.
  • @Weblogian, you shouldn't only be using the CSS to change the style/look of the theme. The theme editing is only needed for structural changes.

    Please give me a specific example of what you're trying to achieve and I'll see if I can help.

    @MatthewAlan, don't forget that you can change the logo with CSS as well ;)
  • Thank you so much MatthewAlan and Stash, I have been waiting for reply since yesterday.

    I like to know where is the HTML File so that I can edit and change things the way I want. The default.master.php. doesn't show any changes after I edit.
    I Have even tried writing simple text like abcede... but doesn't change not show anything.

    @MatthewAlan, I changed the logo by CSS but have to hide the default h1 text (forum name) as I can't delete it.

    I want to create a new whole look to my theme mainly the homepage. I will be glad if someone can direct me where should I edit the HTML and where is the file?

  • pardon me for my poor english
  • Forgot to mention, I am using Vanilla 2 Garden
  • @Weblogian http://vanillaforums.org/page/ThemeQuickStart this will tell you how to create your own theme, and what you need to do to get everything working properly. The default.master.php is the file that contains the general look for Garden. If you want to dig in deeper, you can look in the views folder of an application, and see all the files associated with that application.
  • Thank you # MatthewAlan
    I got to start all over again. I know I am missing something as I am new to Vanilla. Wish I could get hold of some step by step tutorial.

    Thank you once again
  • As far as customization, Vanilla is probably one of the easiest I have seen to customize. Once you know how the styles system works, it's pretty much just HTML/CSS from there. I'd be glad to help you and answer any questions for you have.

    Do you mind me asking, what you'd like to see a step by step tutorial for. Like how to set up a new theme, or how to customize? OR something else?
  • Yes I do a step by step tutorial
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