Hello, new here at the Vanillaforums but not new to Lussomo works in general. I have been using The Filebrowser and Plogger for more than 4 years now.
My question, and the reason that I chose to start a new topic, is about why you guys don't integrate your offerings and blow away so many of the apps currently out there that only offer 1 piece of the puzzle? It would not have to be fully functional at the outset nor would it have to be loaded with killer features or addons. All it would have to be is a solid base from which to build upon that includes a gallery, a forum and a cms with logical file archiving/browsing/storage. From that base you could own the world of opensource cms's easily.
I have 4 sites running now with a mixture of SMF, Plogger and Textpattern. You can imagine my routines. It is like going to work 20 miles from home each day using a motorcycle to get you 5 miles, switching to a bus for 5 miles and then switching to a skateboard for the last 10. In short: it's way busy, overly complex and killing my enthusiasm to get up in the morning with any "Go get'm champ!" in my spirit.
I don't even care if it would be the most secure app on the planet because backing up just 1 sql db, 1 template and 1 tree would still take a whole lot less time out of (what I have left before the big ACME anvil in the sky falls on my Elmer Fudness which I commonly refer to as) "My Life". Pickn up on what I'm thrown down here? Hope so.
Look, Simple Machine Forum is awesome and there is no denying that, but they don't have any integration with a gallery script other than a few hacks one of which shows any promise (basically one guy that has been trying to merge gallery2 with it for the last 3 years and every so often Oldiesman gets thrown a screwball by one of them which stalls out his entire process). Textpattern is notorious for not playing well with anything other than itself, partly because of a million tags that the codenazi general there wishes the world would conform to and mostly because it's driven by an outdated opensource philosophy among it's lead devs that a plugin architecture is the way to cms bliss (hint: it's not, it really, simply just ain't doin nothin but keeping everyone on a different page and coding in a million different directions). Plogger is what it is. It does what it does very simply, straight forward and with little fuss.
Now, why the Lussomo guys would make 3 different apps that each have a unique non-conformist methodology applied to their base and yet be striving to fall into the pit of add-ons / extensions / a million different directs... is beyond me. Why not combine what you already have, leave ample room for "personalizing" it and become what 10 million people just like me have been praying for all along?
My question, and the reason that I chose to start a new topic, is about why you guys don't integrate your offerings and blow away so many of the apps currently out there that only offer 1 piece of the puzzle? It would not have to be fully functional at the outset nor would it have to be loaded with killer features or addons. All it would have to be is a solid base from which to build upon that includes a gallery, a forum and a cms with logical file archiving/browsing/storage. From that base you could own the world of opensource cms's easily.
I have 4 sites running now with a mixture of SMF, Plogger and Textpattern. You can imagine my routines. It is like going to work 20 miles from home each day using a motorcycle to get you 5 miles, switching to a bus for 5 miles and then switching to a skateboard for the last 10. In short: it's way busy, overly complex and killing my enthusiasm to get up in the morning with any "Go get'm champ!" in my spirit.
I don't even care if it would be the most secure app on the planet because backing up just 1 sql db, 1 template and 1 tree would still take a whole lot less time out of (what I have left before the big ACME anvil in the sky falls on my Elmer Fudness which I commonly refer to as) "My Life". Pickn up on what I'm thrown down here? Hope so.
Look, Simple Machine Forum is awesome and there is no denying that, but they don't have any integration with a gallery script other than a few hacks one of which shows any promise (basically one guy that has been trying to merge gallery2 with it for the last 3 years and every so often Oldiesman gets thrown a screwball by one of them which stalls out his entire process). Textpattern is notorious for not playing well with anything other than itself, partly because of a million tags that the codenazi general there wishes the world would conform to and mostly because it's driven by an outdated opensource philosophy among it's lead devs that a plugin architecture is the way to cms bliss (hint: it's not, it really, simply just ain't doin nothin but keeping everyone on a different page and coding in a million different directions). Plogger is what it is. It does what it does very simply, straight forward and with little fuss.
Now, why the Lussomo guys would make 3 different apps that each have a unique non-conformist methodology applied to their base and yet be striving to fall into the pit of add-ons / extensions / a million different directs... is beyond me. Why not combine what you already have, leave ample room for "personalizing" it and become what 10 million people just like me have been praying for all along?
I know, lots of ifs, buts and maybes, but I think that's one of the main drivers behind the whole "Vanilla Reboot". Obviously, we're right at the beginning right now, so it's going to be a little bit of a wait - but Garden is at a stage now that if you wanted to you could start coding a file management application...