A big project needs a lot of help...

edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi everybody !
I'm building a project on vanilla and i need a lot of help for some modifications... Btw sry for my english i'm french guy...

So, firstly, i want to make to make a "like/dislike" system. I wish that the discussions can be rated by users in order to classify the order of appearance of posts on the homepage. Can you help me?

Thank you in advance.


  • You have experience coding or looking to hire somebody?
  • @Ethan0026
    like dislike im pretty sure is being developed by core developers already... if anyone is actively developing this or has plans to,please share so collaboration can occur.
  • no no i have experience coding ! it's just a bit difficult to understand a core built by someone.
    But where are "order of appearance" codes plz? i can't find them
  • You can modify vanilla's comment point system.
  • Vanilla 1 or 2?
  • for vanilla 2
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